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Browsing Tag: COVID-19

SC Dept of Education and SC DHEC Team Up to Launch Statewide Jingle Competition to get Students to Create Covid Vaccine Tune to Convince Kids to GET VAXXED

Yeah, I know…what a headline…but check out what the South Carolina Department of Education along with SC DHEC are up to now. They are working together and sponsoring a competition for any kids in K-12 to create a winning jingle that encourages kids to get Covid vaccinated. There’s big money here as well. Their Facebook posted is embedded below.

How far will these mad vaccinators go to try to convince, conjole and bribe students to get vaccinated against Covid which is shown to have almost no impact on children. These people are out of their minds but it does not surprise me that they would resort to this latest strategy. I think this will prove to be some great comedy when they publish the winners. More fodder to poke fun at as they push nonstop for everyone to get their shot.

Here’s a video parody created by comedian Chris Mann. Maybe something like this…I’m sure there are some funny parodies on TikTok but I’m not a user of that app.

“Catholic” Bon Secours Presses Ahead with Mandatory Vaccines for All Employees – Merry Christmas.

Companies continue to press ahead with the vaccine mandates. There are three big medical systems here in the Upstate…Prisma, Bon Secours and Spartanburg Regional. I’ve been hearing different things about what each is requiring of their employees when it comes to vaccine mandates. From what I’ve heard Spartanburg Regional has been giving exemptions. I believe Prisma’s mandate is temporarily on hold for now. However, “Catholic” Bon Secours is pressing on despite the judicial injunctions temporarily halting Biden’s vaccine mandate. How liberal they will be with exemptions is still to be seen. As I talk with people who work at big companies in general, they are not stopping despite recent court injuctions.

This e-mail that was purportedly sent to Bon Secours employees today. Note the elusive and mysterious “ministry” leadership. It seems to be a nice way to deflect from any one particular person being held responsible for this decision. Maybe all the employees know who the “ministry” leadership is but that would be great to know and see a public link to remind them who made this judgement call on the vaccine mandate. Does Bon Secours consider their multi-billion business a ministry? 🙂 I suppose. Seems like a stretch to me. But whatever…they are pushing ahead with the vaccine…maybe it’s what Jesus would want them to do. I don’t know.

People are not happy about this. I realize some of you reading this might be cheering this news on that health care companies are forcing all their employees to get vaccinated. This is not going over well here in South Carolina where there still runs a spirit of freedom and independence. My hope is that the stories about vaccine injuries and deaths are exaggerated and don’t continue to happen. If problems continue, apparently Pfizer, JNJ and Moderna cannot be held liable, but what about these companies pushing their employees to be vaccinated? Might they be held liable? The executives? The boards of directors? Only time will tell.

Greenville County Schools Will Not Be A Distribution Arm of Big Pharma – Covid-19 Vaccines

Well, well, well…what do we have here? Greenville County Schools has said that at this point they WILL NOT allow vaccine centers to set up shop in its schools to help pump the Covid-19 vaccines in to its students. Fantastic news!

Parents have been getting more involved in Greenville County Schools and making sure their voices are heard by the school board. I have to think the school board is smartly acknowledging that with this vote yesterday to deny vaccine access to its students.

This will come up for another vote in 2 weeks it sounds like. There are plenty of caveats in this vote and perhaps once the vaccines are no longer in Emergency Use Authorization status they will cave to Big Pharma. We’ll see. Parents stay vigilant.

Anderson School District 5 Offers $100 to Incentivize Students to get the Covid-19 Vaccine

This broke last month but thought I would post it here for the record given all the craziness we are seeing coming from the government trying to incentivize people to get the Covid-19 vaccine. This is the first I’ve seen this done in the schools. Anderson School District 5’s $100 Covid-19 vaccine incentive has received a lot of attention from this as you can imagine. Anderson County is one of the counties here in the Upstate. It’s still apparently getting peoples’ attention as I heard it on the radio news yesterday. One of the district administrators was on the air making sure that people realize they are not going direct to the students to get the jab. He said they still need to get parently approval. I don’t know if that’s the law or just them being courteous to not upset the parents. The main thing is they said they want to reward those who go get vaccinated.

I think they’ll have more luck if they start to offer the new iPhone 13 as an incentive. In fact, maybe they could purchase 10 or 20 of them and have a raffle? Why not? Will kids fall for it? I hope not.

Here’s the main site for Anderson School District 5.

South Carolina Sheriffs’ Association Issues Statement Concern Mandatory Covid-19 Vaccinations

Last week after President Biden issued his statement about potential mandatory Covid-19 vaccinations for employers with more than 100 employees, the South Carolina Sherriffs’ Association published a very clear statement basically saying they will not be enforcing any kind of federal government mandate when it comes to vaccines.

South Carolina Reaches 50% Vaccination Rate

Image Credit: SC DHEC

This is being celebrated all over the South Carolina news this afternoon. I even saw the San Francisco Chronicle of all things had a story about South Carolina achieving this milestone. I suspect they don’t think too highly of us here in the South :)… South Carolina achieves 50% vaccination rate of eligible adults – FINALLY!

It has taken an ENORMOUS effort to push this to 50%. The last 5% or so has taken an extraordinary effort in terms of get out the vax information to people so they will get the shot. The advertising on the radio, TV and social media has been relentless. If you visit SC DHEC’s Facebook page, they must post between 8-10 times per day different stories about Covid and the vaccine. How in the world are they going to get to 70, 80, 90% vaccination rates? Ain’t gonna happen. The only way we get close to 70% I believe is going to require forced vaccinations. I may be new here to South Carolina, but I’m thinking the folks here aren’t going to take too kindly to forced anything…let alone vaccinations. Should be fun!

3 Schools in Laurens County Go Virtual Due to Covid-19

Here we go again with the virtual schooling. Not sure if the districts have gotten better about delivering education via the computer than they have in the past 18 months but we are about to find out. I suspect this is the first notice of many schools going virtual. The good news is this is supposed to only be for a week. We’ll see.

Here’s the story about the three schools in Laurens County that are going virtual during Labor Day week.

Hilton Head Island Declares New Covid State of Emergency

Photo Credit: John Murphy Greenville Real Estate News / Sunset on Hilton Head Island, SC

Well I know this is 3+ hours away from Greenville, but I can’t help but publish some information about the goings on in South Carolina in general especially when it comes to the corona virus situation.

South Carolina has supposedly become one of the real hot spots in the country with Covid-19 / Delta Variant cases popping up all over. If you follow social media, you’ll see the screams from people pleading for folks to wear masks. And while I have seen a noticeable uptick in mask wearing the past few days, it seems most are content to take the risk and go barefaced.

So I thought it was interesting when I checked my e-mail today with news that Hilton Head Island has declared another emergency due to the Covid outbreak. Now mind you, no one can really point to a giant increase in deaths…just positive cases – whatever that is worth…not much. The aspect I found most interesting is that they are NOT hitting people with a mask mandate. They are only recommending people wear them. They aren’t even going as far as saying that masks need to be worn in city buildings or indoors anywhere. Not the town council could decide to do a mask mandate like they did for much of 2020. Let’s hope not.

I know that many of my readers are people from out of town trying to figure out where to move to as they escape the oppressive governments running nearly all the blue states in the U.S. So, if that’s you, and if you haven’t been to Hilton Head Island, it’s a fabulous place to vacation. The beaches are phenomenal and there are plenty of golf course to take in. Be sure to do the short 25 minute drive out to Bluffton, SC. Make sure you visit the old downtown as well as drive along many of the gorgeous roads with overhanging oak trees covered in Spanish moss.

Lastly, a unique thing about the beach on Hilton Head Island is that you can experience both the sunrise as well as the sunset given the position of the island.

Pickens County School Board Decides to Go to Virtual Schooling August 2021

In what seems to be a shocking decision to many people here in the Upstate, Pickens County Schools has decided to go to virtual school 100% for at least the next two weeks do to the Covid-19 Delta variant numbers throughout the school district. Here is the post the school district published this week on the Covid spread at Pickens County Public Schools.

What is surprising about this is it appears that many parents were caught off guard. The decision takes effect on Monday this coming week. Parents are now scrambling trying to figure out child care and who will supervise their children while schooling at home. Pickens County is also generally considered the most conservative Republican county in the state of South Carolina.

The movement across the country not to open up schools…to go virtual…to require masks…appears to me to be all part of the effort to get vaccines mandated for all school children. They are going to wreck another school year for America’s kids. This will be year 3. This generation is never going to recover from this. The leadership that I had seen at various schools, school boards and teachers unions has been dismal at best. That said, I’m not sure that corporate leaders are much better frankly.

If we want this to end, we need to just open up the schools. No masks. No plexiglass. No social distancing. If you are so concerned about your kid getting sick, require he/she wear two masks then if you think masks offer protection – although I recall being told over and over that wearing a mask does not protect the wearer but supposedly protects others around the mask wearer. No more testing. If your kid doesn’t feel well, keep them home. Once they are better, send them to school. It’s time we grow up as a nation. This truly is beyond ridiculous at this point.

Lastly, every Pickens County School Board member should be voted out of office at the next opportunity.

City of Greenville Mask Mandate Goes into Effect Today for All City Buildings

Image: City of Greenville, SC Facebook Page

Well it appears the City of Greenville has once again decided to embrace the mask 🙂 Yesterday it was announced that effective today, there is a mask mandate for all City of Greenville offices and buildings. This is not a citywide mask mandate and appears to be much more limited than the new mask mandate for Columbia, SC. Here is the official statement from the City of Greenville regarding their new mask mandate for August 2021.

If I’m not mistaken, I believe the City of Greenville is limited now in what it can require in terms of mask mandates across the city so they have gone with the limited edition – city buildings only. I do expect we’ll see a pick up in some mask wearing particularly downtown. We might even see some businesses decide to once again require masks to enter their stores, buildings, and offices. However, there has been a lot of push back against the masks. It’s hard to imagine that this latest round of government overreach makes it very far with the populace. Lots of people are getting tired of government telling them what they have to do. The Greenville area is generally considered a conservative bastion and they aren’t too fond of the masks or the vaccines.

If you want to follow along with how well South Carolina is doing with Covid, you’ll have no shortage of Facebook posts to read through at the SC DHEC Facebook Page. According to SC DHEC, Covid-19 – or the Delta Variant – is raging out of control across the state. That said, it appears that the number of Covid-19 Delta positives has dropped by about 50% in the past few days. I believe we were around 3,200-3,500 per day last week. Today’s report shows 2,220.