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Browsing Tag: Covid-19 Vaccine

SC DHEC Will Not Require Covid-19 Vaccine for Kids to Attend School

It does appear that one of the most political government organizations in the state of South Carolina at least now has their ear to the ground and realizes that this would likely have not gone over well with the people if they tried to require the shot for kids to attend school.

If you’re reading this as an out-of-stater considering moving to the Greenville area, SC DHEC was absolutely Covid-crazy over the past couple of years. So it’s a relief to know we don’t have to fight this battle at this point for this current school year. No Covid-19 vaccine required for kids to attend school.

Greenville County Schools Will Not Be A Distribution Arm of Big Pharma – Covid-19 Vaccines

Well, well, well…what do we have here? Greenville County Schools has said that at this point they WILL NOT allow vaccine centers to set up shop in its schools to help pump the Covid-19 vaccines in to its students. Fantastic news!

Parents have been getting more involved in Greenville County Schools and making sure their voices are heard by the school board. I have to think the school board is smartly acknowledging that with this vote yesterday to deny vaccine access to its students.

This will come up for another vote in 2 weeks it sounds like. There are plenty of caveats in this vote and perhaps once the vaccines are no longer in Emergency Use Authorization status they will cave to Big Pharma. We’ll see. Parents stay vigilant.

Anderson School District 5 Offers $100 to Incentivize Students to get the Covid-19 Vaccine

This broke last month but thought I would post it here for the record given all the craziness we are seeing coming from the government trying to incentivize people to get the Covid-19 vaccine. This is the first I’ve seen this done in the schools. Anderson School District 5’s $100 Covid-19 vaccine incentive has received a lot of attention from this as you can imagine. Anderson County is one of the counties here in the Upstate. It’s still apparently getting peoples’ attention as I heard it on the radio news yesterday. One of the district administrators was on the air making sure that people realize they are not going direct to the students to get the jab. He said they still need to get parently approval. I don’t know if that’s the law or just them being courteous to not upset the parents. The main thing is they said they want to reward those who go get vaccinated.

I think they’ll have more luck if they start to offer the new iPhone 13 as an incentive. In fact, maybe they could purchase 10 or 20 of them and have a raffle? Why not? Will kids fall for it? I hope not.

Here’s the main site for Anderson School District 5.