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Daily Archives: September 22, 2021

City of Mauldin Puts Limits on Thrift and Consignment Stores

Apparently this has become and issue in Mauldin so the Mauldin City Council put some restrictions in place to potentially limit new thrift and consignment stores. There are a good number of these stores in Mauldin which is great if you’re looking for some bargains or vintage clothing and furniture.

The limit seems pretty minimal but here’s what they approved… new thrift stores must be at least 200 feet from residential and it must be located in a multi-tenant building – i.e. strip mall, shopping center…so no stand alone buildings near residential. If you are looking at opening one of these up, be sure to check in with the City of Mauldin before signing that lease!

Anderson School District 5 Offers $100 to Incentivize Students to get the Covid-19 Vaccine

This broke last month but thought I would post it here for the record given all the craziness we are seeing coming from the government trying to incentivize people to get the Covid-19 vaccine. This is the first I’ve seen this done in the schools. Anderson School District 5’s $100 Covid-19 vaccine incentive has received a lot of attention from this as you can imagine. Anderson County is one of the counties here in the Upstate. It’s still apparently getting peoples’ attention as I heard it on the radio news yesterday. One of the district administrators was on the air making sure that people realize they are not going direct to the students to get the jab. He said they still need to get parently approval. I don’t know if that’s the law or just them being courteous to not upset the parents. The main thing is they said they want to reward those who go get vaccinated.

I think they’ll have more luck if they start to offer the new iPhone 13 as an incentive. In fact, maybe they could purchase 10 or 20 of them and have a raffle? Why not? Will kids fall for it? I hope not.

Here’s the main site for Anderson School District 5.