City of Mauldin Puts Limits on Thrift and Consignment Stores

Apparently this has become and issue in Mauldin so the Mauldin City Council put some restrictions in place to potentially limit new thrift and consignment stores. There are a good number of these stores in Mauldin which is great if you’re looking for some bargains or vintage clothing and furniture.

The limit seems pretty minimal but here’s what they approved… new thrift stores must be at least 200 feet from residential and it must be located in a multi-tenant building – i.e. strip mall, shopping center…so no stand alone buildings near residential. If you are looking at opening one of these up, be sure to check in with the City of Mauldin before signing that lease!

About The Author

John Murphy

Husband of 34 years to my college sweetheart, Janet Murphy (@janetmurphydesign on Instagram). Together we have 6 wonderful children from ages 15-31 and 5 grandchildren. I’ve been a licensed REALTOR since 2003 and broker since 2007. I also am a cost segregation specialist helping building owners and real estate investors maximize their tax deductions, save thousands on their income taxes and increase their cash flow. If you’re a building owner you probably haven’t done a study…let’s connect. There is no obligation. We can run an estimate for you and really every building should be evaluated if the basis is over $150,000. I can work all over the country and not just here in the Upstate. We relocated to Greenville, SC for the lifestyle, lower cost of living, amazing amenities in the area and the growth opportunity for business and real estate. We absolutely love it here!

All opinions are expressly my own and do not represent either eXp Realty LLC, Cost Segregation Services, Inc. or any other company, organization or group that I might be affiliated with.