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Daily Archives: September 17, 2021

Afghan Refugees Coming to Greenville, Charleston via Lutheran Social Services

Apparently the federal government has already issued plans to start to distribute some 60,000+ Afghans across the United States. Lutheran Social Services will be doing the work to get 100 established in Charleston and 50 in Greenville according to the story in the Post and Courier . I don’t know if our local or state elected officials have any say in this matter. I’ll try to find out. I’m sure this is just the start.

It also appears to be their strategy to disperse them throughout the country. I’m not sure why they do that. It doesn’t make any sense to me. Fargo, ND is also taking some on and Florida is set to get 1,000. They have brought in many refugees over the years through Lutheran Social Services. I’m sure Catholic Charities can’t be far behind. I remember reading a few years ago the hundreds of millions of dollars that flow through these charities for doing refugee resettlement.

Four states have refused to take the refugees. This tells me that the other states want the money that comes along with the refugees I suspect. The four states are: South Dakota, Hawaii, West Virginia, Wyoming and the District of Columbia.

The Department of Health and Human Services says all of these refugees are fully vetted….do you believe it?

Farmer’s Almanac Predicts 2021-2022 Winter to be One of the Coldest, Longest Ever

Image Source: Farmer’s Almanac

Well it’s that time of year again when the Farmer’s Almanac comes out with their predictions about the upcoming winter and I don’t think most of us are going to like it.

Here in South Carolina it appears we are about split between cold/wet and cold/dry. They are forecasting the northern half of the state to be cold/dry…I’ll take that…better than cold/wet. Here’s their extended forecast for this winter.