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Daily Archives: August 25, 2021

Greenville County School Board Meeting – Should School Children Wear Masks?

The Greenville County School Board met yesterday, August 24, 2021 and it was a packed house. It was not eventful like we have seen at other school board meetings across the country. I suspect had the South Carolina legislature and Governor McMaster not stepped in to ban masks this year, this might have been a very different meeting. I have no doubt that Greenville County Schools would have mandated the county’s school children all wear masks during the school day. But that is not the environment we are in today fortunately. We have seen tremendous pushback on mask mandates throughout South Carolina but there are other school districts that are requiring them as well as many colleges in SC given the recent South Carolina Supreme Court ruling on masks requirements.

If you want to watch, I tried to have the video begin at the start of the board meeting which is at the 22:50 mark. Some school board trustees were in masks. Some in the crowd were in masks. A number of parents came up to speak pro and con on the mask. I was not able to be at the meeting but I’ve been told there were lots of people who were not allowed in and they were listening in outside the meeting room. Most of them were of course against the mask.

Greenville County Schools is the largest school district in the state of South Carolina. There are 72,000 students in the district and they have a budget $715,000,000 for the 2021-2022 school year.