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Daily Archives: August 23, 2021

Real Estate Tokenization and Blockchain

Blockchain, Bitcoin, crypto, stable coins, tokens, NFTs….the new technology just goes on and on and on. How in the world can we keep up with it all?

One of the really big things coming to real estate in the future I believe is this idea of tokenization. Once we start putting real estate on the blockchain it opens up ownership to many more people and it is expected to take out a lot of the friction and costs in transferring property today.

Imagine some day where if you have an extra $5, $10, $20k+ and you’d like to start investing in real estate. Your options are quite limited today. Now imagine if you wanted to own some real estate and you just purchase some tokens with ownership in a particular building. It may not be as easy as buying a stock but it might be easier than buying a car and certainly much easier than trying to buy property today.

If you’re interested in learning more, I’d recommend you take the 15 minutes and watch this excellent overview explaining the tokenization of real estate and how this will work on the blockchain by Interaxis.

Medical Freedom Rally Prisma Hospital Greenville

Medical Freedom Rally at Prisma Health Memorial Hospital Greenville, SC

This morning there was large rally / protest at Prisma’s Greenville Memorial Hospital. There are concerns that Prisma is going to mandate Covid vaccines for its employees. Prisma is the largest healthcare provider in the state of South Carolina serving as many as 25% of the state. If Prisma mandates the vaccine then it will be easier for many other health networks to do the same. It also will likely encourage many corporations to also require a vaccine mandate for employment.

It was a peaceful event. I was there from about 7:30 – 9am. The event continued on until 9:30am or so. I’m not a professional at sizing up crowd sizes. I did try to take my own guesstimates but it was definitely more than 500 people but probably less than 1,000 from my vantage point. The organizers of the event were SC4Freedom and Laurens County Republican Party SC. Here’s the Medical Freedom Rally Prisma Health Greenville Facebook Event Page.

There were all kinds of concerned citizens who showed up with homemade signs. This was not a crowd of professional protesters nor did it appear that the group had big sponsors in the background who could crank out tons of signs. Young and old…moms and dads, kids, grandkids…all showed up to make a statement that we will not stand for vaccine mandates and that we need to have medical freedom of choice.

The only people I saw masked were the media personnel who were there filming and broadcasting stories about the rally 🙂