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3 Schools in Laurens County Go Virtual Due to Covid-19

Here we go again with the virtual schooling. Not sure if the districts have gotten better about delivering education via the computer than they have in the past 18 months but we are about to find out. I suspect this is the first notice of many schools going virtual. The good news is this is supposed to only be for a week. We’ll see.

Here’s the story about the three schools in Laurens County that are going virtual during Labor Day week.

Pickens County School Board Decides to Go to Virtual Schooling August 2021

In what seems to be a shocking decision to many people here in the Upstate, Pickens County Schools has decided to go to virtual school 100% for at least the next two weeks do to the Covid-19 Delta variant numbers throughout the school district. Here is the post the school district published this week on the Covid spread at Pickens County Public Schools.

What is surprising about this is it appears that many parents were caught off guard. The decision takes effect on Monday this coming week. Parents are now scrambling trying to figure out child care and who will supervise their children while schooling at home. Pickens County is also generally considered the most conservative Republican county in the state of South Carolina.

The movement across the country not to open up schools…to go virtual…to require masks…appears to me to be all part of the effort to get vaccines mandated for all school children. They are going to wreck another school year for America’s kids. This will be year 3. This generation is never going to recover from this. The leadership that I had seen at various schools, school boards and teachers unions has been dismal at best. That said, I’m not sure that corporate leaders are much better frankly.

If we want this to end, we need to just open up the schools. No masks. No plexiglass. No social distancing. If you are so concerned about your kid getting sick, require he/she wear two masks then if you think masks offer protection – although I recall being told over and over that wearing a mask does not protect the wearer but supposedly protects others around the mask wearer. No more testing. If your kid doesn’t feel well, keep them home. Once they are better, send them to school. It’s time we grow up as a nation. This truly is beyond ridiculous at this point.

Lastly, every Pickens County School Board member should be voted out of office at the next opportunity.